[note: my question mark on my keyboard doesn't work. pardon punctuation mistakes] :)
I just joined a new Bible study for the summer and I am really excited about it. The book we are studying is Me, Myself, & Lies by Jennifer Rothschild. If I am understanding it correctly, it helps us to see how we lie to ourselves with negative thoughts and how to replace it with God's promises and His Word.
I am only on day 3, but it has been incredibly eye opening. I am truly excited but I am having some mixed emotions. I know that I have this issue so I should be so happy for something to help me face it and get victory over it, right. Well, I am finding it hard at times. Why is it so hard to let go. There are times in my homework that there is a question I am supposed to answer but for some reason I just stare at it. It is like I just don't want to write down what I really feel or think about that. Part of me thinks that is absolutely ridiculous, but nevertheless, I find myself there.
The Lord is so awesome and full of grace though! He is really helping me to work through things so I know He is going to work in me BIG time this summer. I was asked to write down a list of the lies that I tell myself. So, I did. When I was done I looked at them and I said, yeah - I don't always feel like those are lies. What do I do now. As I thought about that I realized something. The author calls these thoughts in our brain our "thought closet" and the thoughts are like clothes. I came to realize that, I have been wearing these clothes for so long, that I am at times becoming them, even though it is not who I really am. Things that started out as fears at the start of my life have worked their way into a warped reality b/c I let them take control instead of giving them to the Lord. AAAHHHH No what am I to do. =o) I have spent the last couple of days trying to replace those things with what the Bible says and promises from Him. Is it easy, no. It will be a journey that's for sure. But of this I am confident: The Lord will hold my hand the whole way down this path and I know there is something awesome waiting at the end. He promises in Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I am going to meditate on that for awhile. That would do anyone some good!
Embrace 2025 With Me
2 weeks ago
Ahhh...I am so proud of you!! I too had a hard time...I love what you said about wearing the clothes. For me it is a little different. I had to pray today (Day 3) that the Lord would open my heart and eyes so that I can clearly see where my thoughts need changing. I'm in a pretty good place right now...in the Word, on my knees, hemming in to the Father's heart, so my thoughts have been in a rather good place. No worries, God is faithful and He brought some areas of my thoughts to the forefront! Praise God! I love this study too!